Who Are We?

My wife, Susie, and I are “born again” Christians. In the Gospel of John, ch. 3. Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”.

We seek to serve the Lord in any way we are able. We are also involved with missionary work in Zambia in many ways.

Practical Work

In Zambia
We were in Zambia for a term builing houses at a Christian mission boarding school in the North Western Province of Zambia.
Working with the local people by providing employment and schooling assistance.

In Canada
General support for missionaries by sending care packages by mail and by large commercial shipping container. The parcels are a group effort by a number of assemblies throughout Canada and the U. S and shipped by ACCTS.

ACCTSAnswering Christ's Call To Serve

Spiritual Work

In Zambia
Village outreach and church visitation in the rural areas.

In Canada
Support for our local assembly and overseas missionaries by being partners in prayer and encouraging believers, Water Brooks publication and website, gospel work.

We have four children: Joshua, Emily, Ethan, and Nicholas.
