Spurgeon’s Daily Treasury from the Psalms

343612: Spurgeon's Daily Treasury from the Psalms

Spurgeon’s Daily Treasury from the Psalms

By Charles Spurgeon, edited by Robert Backhouse / Crossway Books

The Psalms express the full range of human emotions and needs like no other Bible book. From the discouragement and fear we encounter in this life to the longing and adoration of God, we so easily connect with these prayers and praises. It is easy to understand why the Psalms are the most read–and often most treasured–part of the Old Testament. Charles Spurgeon spent 20 years pondering the spiritual breadth and depth of the Psalms and compiling a seven-volume exposition. Now his comments are part of a devotional that breaks the 150 Psalms into 365 daily readings. Besides Spurgeon’s words of wisdom, each devotional has a highlighted thought and suggested verses to meditate on. The spiritual life of any believer will be enriched y these reflective writings from one of Christianity’s beloved preachers.

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